Humphreys DTS

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kona Update - February

Hello! If you follow this blog regularly, I am sure you have noticed the lack of activity. Most of the updates have been on our Facebook group, so join us here! ~Humphreys YWAM Trip~ We have been posting stories, pictures videos and random updates there often.

So we are in Kona, Hawaii! Tough learning missions isn't it? Here is the run down so far, we spent the first month on Catalina Island in a boy scout camp in Emerald Bay. Beautiful place, but also very isolated. We had some amazing teachers there and were able to really come together as a group, more of a family really. Our class has families that brought babies, to teenagers and some in every decade of life right into the 70s! A very diverse group. We had four different teachers on Catalina, and they all centered around the same idea, our identity with God and His heart for us. The last few days on the island were crazy as our 2 1/2 days of clean-up and pack-up quickly turned to 1 as there was a storm coming in and we had to pack in a hurry. We said our goodbyes to the staff of Emerald Bay and half the group took the local ferry and the rest of us had a lovely 3 hour trip on a sailboat to get back to the mainland. The next 3 days were full of adventures themselves as we all lived in offices and a gym, waiting for the day when we would fly to Kona. Then on the evening of February the 8th, we arrived here and were carted off to the University of Nations for the rest of our classes and training before we go on our individual outreaches.

Life here on campus in Kona is incredibly diverse and certainly unique. With nearly 1000 "Y-Wammers" running around it is a stark contrast to the isolated island of Catalina. But we have met with amazing people from all over the world. They have many scientific inititives here on campus, such as the new transmedia center, the food machine and many more (you can read all about the campus here). It would take pages to just scratch the surface of all they do. So maybe a future update :) . In short, experiencing the incredible environment of Kona (snorkeling, the ocean, weather and people) and the enticing life on campus has been an eye opening and certainly enjoyable.

Onto the future, as we will be going on outreach to Australia at the end of March! We will be heading to Townsville to meet up with our outreach leader who has been stuck in Australia as she is trying to solidify her citizenship there. Then we will be going around to many towns, cities and various villages (Ozzy and Aboriginal) to bring hope, aid and whatever else we can for the people there. Along with that we will be helping to pave the way for the flying car (Maverick) to arrive which will be used to reach villages that would otherwise be lost on their own in desperate need of social and medical help. The original plan was to spend about half of the time in Australia and the rest of the time on a medical ship to Papua New Guinea, but unfortunately that fell through as the ship became full before we could be accepted. We will let you know if that changes though!

In you want to support us, the best way is to pray! That is always the first thing we need for success here. Secondly, we still need financial support to finish this trip and get us to Australia. We have about half of the outreach fees in and all we need to do is pay the rest and support our personal bills through May. To give, either mail them to us (660 Arleta PL NE Keizer, OR 97303) or you can even pay online here! Just make sure to put in the comments that it is for Eric & Lauren Humphreys' outreach. We will try hard to continue to update you all, and thank you for the prayers!

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